Dawen Wang
作曲家, 音乐监製, 歌手
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Pics from Declare INDIE 3!

Aside from all the pictures of amazing Chicago architecture I wanted to share some pics from Declare INDIE 3, the music showcase that I produced last month.

2010-04-16 18.34.05

The Abbey Pub, our venue for the showcase!

2010-04-16 19.52.09

My drummer Lamar in the green room. South Side, what up!

2010-04-16 19.53.59

Our awesome Declare INDIE t-shirts. Designed by David Wycoco. Also thanks to Blacklava for making them.

2010-04-16 21.11.24

Me and my bassist Leo in the green room. Leo flew in Chicago that morning and left for O’Hare Airport a few hours after the show. Barely 24 hours!

2010-04-16 21.12.12

Me with IBU hanging out backstage.

2010-04-17 00.06.58

Me and the whole band. Special thanks to Sue Jin for being an honorary band member and to Ray ‘Swayy’ Oh and George Wang for making the whole evening come together! For more pics, check out the Declare INDIE facebook page.

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Debut album \\\"American Me\\\" out now on iTunes and Amazon.com!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
September 7, 2008