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Pics from Disorient, Eugene, OR

I really should have put these up earlier (sorry) but I’m doing it now! My first time to Eugene (and the state of Oregon for that matter) was a phenomenal experience! Interestingly, my parents lived here in Eugene years before I was born, how cool is that? From seeing the landscape, to meeting all the wonderful people,  the DisOrient Film Festival is going down as one of the highlights of my year!

DisOrient and my first time in Eugene, Oregon!

2010-04-23 18.29.53

At the Bijou Cinema, where we watched the opening film ‘ Mr. Sadman‘ by Patrick Epino. I played at the opening reception following the movie.

2010-04-23 19.14.16

Oregon license plate! Not for the pollen sufferer! Trees, trees, and more trees!

2010-04-24 10.44.32

See what I mean?

2010-04-24 11.39.48

Hanging out with Patrick, director of Mr. Sadman. Go see his film! It’s dark, funny, and and oddly poignant. Patrick also runs a site called cinemasucks.com. Check it out for his no BS-style reviews of APA films.

2010-04-24 12.10.04

And lastly, here’s a pic of my host family whose amazing hospitality made my trip unforgettable. DisOrient is all about community and I left completely inspired by all the love and support I felt here in Eugene. Big shoutouts to Pam, and a special thanks to Jason Mak, director of the festival. I love you guys!

2010-04-24 13.30.08

over 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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It was indeed! Yes, I hope to hit up Portland at some point! Maybe during the next tour. I'll let you know!
over 14 years ago


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September 7, 2008