Wow....good info and thank you for passing it along. They're talking out of both sides of their mouth. We writers need the money that we're due. Thanks for standing up for it.
Informative. Interesting angle to mobilize shareholders. The corporates are feasibly lying to both sides since they really don't know the future potential of "new media", but they still want to gamble. So, they create hype to attract investors, but hedge their bet by not sharing the potential upside with writers. Informative.
Thanks for uploading this video. I think this is a BRILLIANT CAMPAIGN by the WGA! Yeah, let the shareholders pressurize those big corporations to come up with an answer, IN EITHER WAY THAT THEY CANNOT WIN, 'cos they either have to admit that they have fudged their profit projections, or they'll have to upgrade the figures of their profit projections to WGA!
大约 17 年
\"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.\"
-Henry David Thoreau
\"The harder I work, the luckie