Dear Jane
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大家幫幫手 ......

前香港樂隊脾罅茶餐廳主音 陳利峰, 於一年前參加了澳洲的工作假期計劃. 阿鋒於今年十月十七日在澳洲北部發生嚴重交通意外, 引致下身癱瘓, 上肢僅有肩膀能做動作, 由於阿峰在澳洲ICU的住院費非常龐大, 差不多要四萬元港幣一日, 對於出身不是富裕的阿鋒及其家人是沉重的負擔, 現時阿鋒已轉到脊椎病房治療, 並希望盡快能回港醫治。

我們這些香港樂隊, 希望可以為阿峰做一點事, 藉著舉辦一個籌款表演, 希望可以為阿峰籌得少少錢之餘, 亦希望有機會令多些人對阿鋒的事件關注, 從而向他施以援手。 最重要的, 是可以讓阿峰知道我們有很多人對他支持, 給予他最大的動力去康復。

One year ago, Chan Lee Fung, a familiar face in the HK indie band scene, went to Australia on the working holiday scheme. On October 17th of this year, he fell victim to a freak car accident in the Northern Territories, leaving him completely paralyzed from the waist down, with his shoulders being the only part of the upper body that has regained movement.

His stay in the intensive care unit of the hospital has resulted in a hefty medical bill – about HK$40,000 a day. For Fung and his family, this is an immense financial burden. For the time being, he has been transferred to the Spinal Ward, and hopes to return to Hong Kong as soon as possible for further treatment.

In response to this, a handful of bands have decided to get together to put on a benefit show, to create greater awareness of Fung’s plight as well as to do our part in alleviating the financial burden faced by him and his family. Most important of all, we hope that this would let Fung know the incredible amount of love and support he has back in Hong Kong, that it would empower him to a swift and complete recovery.


Date: 13th December 2009

Time: 14:30 to 22:00

Place: Youth Outreach Hang Out - 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho

地點: 協青社蒲吧 – 西灣河聖十字徑二號 (西灣河地鐵站B出口)

Price: $100 (Walk-in Only, You can donate more :-) )

Bands: Shepherds The Weak, Hardpack, Irresistible Hearts, Lovesong, Los En Found, 門生, Milk Shake 7, EMBRYO, 秋紅, King Ly Chee, Daybreak On Monday, Zarahn

Contact: 9352 6906 Hang, 9623 3918 Shing, 6078 5443 Mian Bao

是次活動扣除開支後, 全數將撥捐陳利鋒及家人

All proceeds from this show will be donated to Chan Lee Fung and his family

詳細資料 (For more background details): http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=165360935517&ref=ts

特別鳴謝: 協青社蒲吧免費供應場地及一眾樂隊義務演出!!

Special thanks: Youth Outreach Hang Out for providing the venue for free and to all the bands involved

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Hong Kong
April 18, 2007