Official Artist
Dee Poon
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Grandeur is dead

watching Prince Caspian made me yearn for the days where people were noble and chivalrous... I've also realized that the people closest to you are usually both your biggest fans as well as the ones who are most likely to look you over... i think there is this chicken - egg and noble spiral issue in the world: the more we talk about stuff, no matter how ridiculous it is, the bigger it gets... I love that chinese has tones and when you bring us all together and none of us speak properly we all have absolutely no idea what we are all saying... Am disgusted but intrigued by the prevalence of consultant-speak that has permeated my way of thinking - cycles of learning, process flows / maps, T & A's... can't decide if it just shows that we are all really task oriented or just spend too much time with corporate f's...

Shopping round out...





Anyhow the long weekend is almost over... Eventful? Always... Just letting the rain wash away troubles and making my world a prettier place...

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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May 26, 2008