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Eye On Taiwan – Search For Lost Fertility Debuts on Discovery Taiwan Sunday 24th April 2011 9pm

I was very excited to learn that the second episode in the “Search for Series” for Eye on Taiwan was Broadcast Tonight on Discovery Taiwan. This was my second visit to Taiwan after the first episode called “Search for Lost Happiness” on depression was filmed late last year.

Here is a translation of the write up that is on Discovery’s Website on the Program:

Taiwan is facing a crisis – one in every six couples will suffer from infertility, the phenomenon of low birth rate in Taiwan is now the world’s most serious. In 2011 Taiwan’s total fertility rate will be less than 1, that is, each woman over her lifetime will have less than one child on average. Sixty years ago, the average per woman will give birth to seven children. Why has fertility declined so rapidly? What is the cause of fertility drop? If Taiwan does not deal with this probem as soon as possible, the whole country’s culture, society and economy could be seriously threatened.  What measures will the people of Taiwan take?

The Search for Lost Fertility

The Search for Lost Fertility

The Search for Lost Fertility

It was great to be back in Taiwan with the Crew and uncovering the reasons and causes behind the dropping fertility rate in Taiwan.  It was fascinating meeting all doctors and people who were willing to share their stories and expertise.  I don’t want to give any spoilers so best to catch it on Discovery:). . Don’t worry if you missed the broadcast tonight, as it will be screened again at these times this week on Discovery Taiwan:

2011/04/25 05:00

2011/04/25 12:00

2011/04/29 19:00

2011/04/30 03:00

You can also read about it (In Mandarin) on the discovery website by clicking here.

Plan to post more about this episode when I get the chance but in the meantime would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the episode – Please post your comments below!

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, such heavy subject matter, can't you find any more upbeat documentaries to work on!?!? :-P
大约 13 年 ago



May 4, 2009