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The Amazing Race Asia 4 – Audition Tape with Steve Lai

Over a month ago, my good friend Steve and I decided to give The Amazing Race Asia a shot.

Fresh from the scars of being rejected as co-hosts for eNews Asia during their open casting in February, we thought we would join forces (double our chances??:) and get in the Ring for another shot of TV screen time. With a only few days before the deadline we decided to take the plunge and apply for the Amazing Race Asia (TARA). Luckily for us, the deadline got extended for another 9 days which gave us a bit more time to make the video in between our crazy schedules at the time and finally fill out that long application form!

Applications closed on March 31st.
Details on the TARA website stated that selected participants would be contacted in April. I had planned to post this video earlier, but decided against it on advice from others in case posting our video audition may affect our chances. Well Its now the Beginning of May. .We think we missed the boat, so we’re happy to finally post this video up now for your viewing pleasure:)).

Big thanks to everyone who helped make the video – Daniela for playing TARA, Cloudie for helping us with the pool shots and Anthony for helping us shoot the video :) ).

We had great fun making the video.. hope you enjoy it! and if you do please do post your comments below!!

Race Race Asia - The Amazing Race Asia Season 4 Audition

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Photo 80548
Hey, Derrick, very cool! :-)
大约 14 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice! best of luck! you should talk to Vince Chung here on AnD for tips on winning!
大约 14 年 ago



May 4, 2009