Official Artist
Derrick Siu
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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The TENG Ensemble – Fusion Music in the Park @ The Symphony Stage 12th Aug 2012

Derrick Siu Emcee - The TENG Ensemble @ Symphony Stage Singapore Botanic Gardens

Had the chance to host this great community event at the wonderful Symphony Stage in the Singapore Botanic Gardens.  The TENG Ensemble comprises a group of internationally trained and talented musicians playing very  rare eastern instruments combined with western instruments producing a unique fusion of sounds and melodies.

They performed a brilliant selection of songs along with a powerful finale accompanied by 3 Members of Fortitude Percussion.  A great way to spend an early Sunday Evening!

Thanks to Teresa from The TENG COMPANY for the wide shots, and Photographer Benjamin Aw for the close ups.

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Derrick Siu Emcee - The TENG Ensemble @ Symphony Stage Singapore Botanic Gardens

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