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昨晚的大除夕晚餐大概上順利,唯一缺點就是花了太多時間做飯因為我真的太久沒有落廚。前菜是一個瑞典半生熟煎三文魚,主菜是香草燒羊架和羊髀。最讓我嬌傲的是首次自製的希臘Tzatziki醬汁。酸酸凍凍的白色酪乳汁和烤肉真是一個美妙的組合。 Last night's New Year's Eve meal was largely a success. My only criticism was that I took two hours to prepare a meal that should have taken 45 minutes. I've been away from the kitchen too long... On the menu was a Swedish medium-rare salmon brushed with lemon and dill and a pepper and herb-crusted roast lamb leg/rack with garlic mashed potatoes. My pièce de resistance, I'm proud to say, was a home-made Turkish Tzakziki sauce. For those who have never tried it, this tangy yoghurt sauce (always served cold) is a wonderful accompaniment to heavy roast meats.

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