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Desmond So
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司機哥哥,為什麼那麼醋?一上車就大聲話「唔知喺邊」!我喺Google Map 同你搵埋,你不但止無講唔該,重要黑囗黑面當我無到。為何呢?大家互相禮貌、互相尊重一點不好嗎?

Hong Kong cabbies, what's wrong? Why are you so unhappy? I'm not even asking you to be super polite. But treating a paying customer like he is invisible when your customer is helping you and talking to you politely is not acceptable. I understand driving in HK is frustrating. But if it's making you this unhappy, perhaps it's time to consider other options.

behind #polite #manners #etiquette #respect #infectwithkindness

about 9 years ago 38 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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September 18, 2008