太喜歡這一次的photo shoot 啦!多謝@whoareinvited 和@COACH 的邀請。
Shot again with the awesome team from whoareinvited about a month ago. It was the day after the coldest day in Hong Kong for 40+ years and was drizzling the whole time but as you see, the team did an amazing job making us look dapper (the guys) and beautiful (the girls). More pics to come... #Repost @whoareinvited with @repostapp. ・・・ 電視節目主持人 @DesmondSo 6歲便離開香港到外國留學,大學畢業後曾當律師和銀行家,後卻棄做律師轉而投入娛樂圈,更開設禮儀顧問公司。工作時他必須時刻保持紳士形象,是次拍攝一改平日形象,穿上 @COACH 帶有60年代迷幻西岸懷舊情懷的Wildcat Printed Short,置身大自然中像動物的保護色。 #coachspring2016 #coachhongkong #coach1941 #whoareinvited110 photo @benanang hair @alexsotheattic makeup @onkilau #hiking #hk #沙螺洞
观看视频"Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get."