Official Artist
Desmond So
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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二00九年九月十五日的太陽報跟我做了一個專訪。是真的 -- 我從小的時侯已經很想做周星馳。他為fanz帶來無限的快樂。

如看不清楚,圖片裏的受訪者是高比拜仁、Jason Mraz、和楊紫瓊。

I was featured in September 15, 2009's Sun Paper.  My last interview in Oriental Daily had me "pinned beneath" Fala Chen.  This time, I was stuck beside a gyrating Angelababy.  Life can be worse, I guess.  I digress...

In the article, I give props to a favorite of many -- Stephen Chow.  I admire 星爺 (nickname Grandpa Sing) because his sh*t is so original and timeless.  Looks fade, trends change but good humor sticks around forever.  There are kids on the street these days who were not even born when the first Stephen Chow movie came out but who can recite his movie lines at the drop of a dime.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Photo 43244
i wanna be you so bad!!!!!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice! kobE!!!
over 15 years ago
Photo 80548
Great, Desmond!
over 15 years ago


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