印度婚禮第二晚,很多人都穿著傳統印度服裝,十分之美,西裝人也不例外!(可惜燈光太暗,其實這圍巾是一個有氣勢的棗紅色加金絲。) Indian wedding day 2 -- many people are dressed in traditional Indian robes and saris. I swapped my usual suit for traditional garb. It was a very comfortable way of partying into the night.Read more
在芭堤雅�加朋友一�三晚的印度婚�。星期五是第一�,吃了�之後我�一�跳舞跳到零晨三�!晚�外面的�置很特�,有很多���花。 Attending my first-ever Indian wedding in Pattaya. On Day 1 (Friday), we had late dinner and then danced till 2am (only cause I left early). The customs associated with an Indian wedding are fascinating. More to s...Read more
我不是去了歐洲!而是為全香港最大形的比利時啤酒節擔任MC. 這裡氣氛好好,有特級啤酒,傳統美食,舞蹈,和爵士樂。 No, I'm not in Europe. MCing Hong Kong's Belgian Beer Festival 2011 today! What a beautiful day to be outside. Just fantasticRead more
太早跟大家說"節日快樂"嗎?昨晚連續第二年為四季酒店#Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong#擔任聖誕亮燈儀式司儀。在場有很多興奮的小朋友和一棵來自歐洲的巨型聖誕樹。 Helped light the giant X'mas tree at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong for the second year in a row. The tree lighting kicks off the "Be a Star Christmas Charity D...Read more
今天為#MIPIM Asia 2011#亞太地區最大型的商業地產投資交易展會主持開幕典禮。看看場地那麼大,我看起來好像螞蟻(下圖)! MC'ed MIPIM Asia 2011 opening ceremony this morning. This is the largest and most regarded real estate event for professionals in all of Asia.Read more
今天晚上和朋友參加#Marco Polo German Bierfest#,喝啤酒,吃烤豬手,氣氛十分熱鬧!多謝Fanny!希望你快D好返,下次跟我們一齊玩。 Glad I made it to The Marco Polo German Bierfest this year. Fun as usual. The Notenhobler (oompah band) from Germany does a really nice job lighting up the crowd. Even got me doing th...Read more
想跟大家分享我今年的萬聖節打扮 -- 就是電影「黑天鵝」裏的白天鵝!哈哈哈!!!祝大家萬聖節快樂!
Yes, zee Black Swan may be beauTEEful but zee White Swan is ah, well, fantastique! IncreDEEble! Zee sexy creaTURE. I adore you, zee White Swan.
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"Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get."