Digger T Mesch
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LOTALUV music video

[Last week we shot LOTALUV  for NZ's  hip hop sensation MAITREYA. LOTALUV was one of 2 videos . The other video-CHUR to The CHUR- was designed to be a live video that we would cut into the concept video.

IN the end we shot them separately as 2 videos and thank God we did. ( We can thank Roman Baska for being the voice of reason here - and adding so much work to my choreography and talent count ) The conceptual purity of one RED camera spinning constantly in it's centered  position is really going to be one of the video's main charms with all the over the top talented characters we had running around. Compounded with the force of nature Maitreya is when he flips his on switch ON.

MY good friend SANDMAN died the night of the rap party with me off the docks here at about 6 am. They saved me in the final seconds I had left with any air or strength but SANDMAN had already disappeared. I loved this kid and considered him a good friend. I'm deeply devastated by the loss. We were close- this has been a horrible waste to have such a LIVING LOVING SOUL die so young.

SANDMAN is in the Video we shot and did his best mac pimp daddy for the world to see - it will of course be dedicated to him- there will be a memorial for the family as well. Working on it.


Digger T Mesch](/batch.download.php?aid=1114792)

16 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 33427
Man - heard about Sand last night ... hit me up this week if you're in town. Am hanging out Wednesday night.
16 年多 ago
Photo 24183
Dear Digger: I can imagine the trauma that you must be facing. Even though it is very painful, we don't have to forget the tragedy, we just have to be strong as we are learning about the world and about ourselves everyday... I will pray for Sandman to rest in peace and also for peace for his family and for you. BTW, Roman showed me clips of your new mv. It is going to be another cool piece of work coming out from a new director in town. I admire your talents. Just let me know if you ever need help in your work or need a chat... Sometimes I want to seek creative advice too as I am writing a very visual horror movie and I think you might be able to help ...
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
September 15, 2007