Not more then few weeks after Levis show I get in touch with Diesel that was also launching their new campaign - “Diesel Island” - something like “be stupid” but happening on an island. In order to enter this wonderful world, that suppose to be the less fucked up country on the planet Earth, people were receiving passports. And here I come. I supposed to play one of the officer giving some drawings, paintings, whatever to make this passport SPECIAL.
I thought about few guidelines in order
to define my performance. Be stupid was the first - the game
shouldn't be over intellectual, that's sure! Be quick – how to
provide 100 artworks in 3 hours ? Be personal – if this country is
so different the passport should be filled up with who you are inside.
As result my brain vomited a
pseudo-psychological game of auto definition. Listen to this. The
customers were proposed 23 weird objects labeled with some definition
like “ I love fried egg”, “I'm screwed up” etc.In the second
instance they were choosing their favorite color (mostly pink) and
then we were putting all this stuff on the passport and I was passing
the spray/sprays over leaving a composition of shadows. I even wrote
on the board behind my stand “ we live in the world of shadows”
to make reference to Platon what was probably useless however it was
giving some cultural references to this silly game. Maybe even it was
making a deeper sense: our SELF is just a shadow of what it is in
reality. However, whatever the last stage was a hairdryer and my
stamp “ Approved by XYZ”. Welcome on the Diesel Island
Welcome to the art jungle !