Video: year I did a performance where on a transparent plexiglass I was recording the motion of city - “ Time in stripes”. It was given to me to do it one more time in different context and with slightly different approach. Levis was just about to launch their new collection with the message “GO FORTH” and wanted to make a show for buyers. They brought up together dancers, models, models choreographer, lighting guys,musician and me as painter to create “something”.
For my part I thought to explore one more time the idea of RECORDING TIME rather then object; I saw myself as a scanner that follows the event as time goes forth. This evening I was observing and expressing the show by filling up the plexiglass canvas from left to right; every particular moment (dance, cat walk, speech, music band ) receive it's own language of paint, color, drills, writing etc. By the end the work resemble to a diary – an abstract diary of the event.
After the show with friends we cut the
upper part of the plexiwall and transported it back to my studio.
It's heavy like hell! There is actually 3 pieces of it what allows to
play with configurations : the original one “ GO – FOR – TH” or
another one also related to the notion of time and diary “FOR –
GO – T” :) Now I'm trying to push some clients to get
the whole as a room semi-separation with lighting. This work should
be allowed to be viewed from both sides in a way of a sculpture –
that's I guess the beauty of plexiglass.
Fot. Irene Lai
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