Official Artist
Dan Burns-Findlay
Director , Sound Engineer , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator
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7 hour DJ set now online

Uploaded the recording from Saturday's gig to the Yumla web site, chopped off the encore and a few muck around tracks at the start; otherwise it's all there - mistakes, missed cues, bad mixes, computer glitches, warts an' all. The recording gets a bit fuzzy in places ... got a bit carried away with too much bass ... the PA system handles it, the recording software didn't ... oops ... bottles were walking themselves off the top shelf ... staff not amused ... dodging 12 year old single malts from above. Occupational hazard.

Great crowd, awesome in fact ... broke all the bar's records for attendance, I don't think there has even been a night where we've had to turn so many people away. If punters come early we look after them and stop it from getting too crowded. If you come late, well, then unfortunately you wait outside until there is space. Can't make everyone happy :)

Sometimes I wish the bar was bigger ... you see YouTube videos of compact clubs in Germany or London, 300 to 500 capacity, with no compromise DJs playing to a rocking & dedicated crowd. Try pulling that off every Friday and Saturday in Hong Kong ... forget it ... the only way to maintain a venue of that size in this town is to run bingo or ladies' nights during the week ... or milk the upmarket money set. To never compromise our music policy means a compromise on operating costs. Fair trade. This has always been a hobby and I'm not interested in hemorrhaging cash on a monthly basis just to occasionally fit in a bigger audience.

Anyway! Rambling aside - go to the link below and download the set. It's a bit confusing from a musical point of view, a little bit choppy in places and doesn't flow nearly as well as a planned out mix tape BUT having said that ... was all live & people were dancing non-stop from 11PM until 5AM ... Enjoy:


For the geeks: 4 decks of Traktor 3.3 through 8 channels of Motu Ultralite into an Allen & Heath Xone 92 ... external mixing & filters, internal effects. Set list says approximately 150 tracks, but some of those were spun as loops ... actual songs played would be about 3/4 of that figure.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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