Dan Burns-Findlay
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The meaning of ⅋ as defined by Linear Logic ... 'a simultaneous occurrence of resources to be used as the producer directs'.After quite a long hiatus from regular DJing – and now the album is done, out, selling and no longer an artistic concern – I'm back on the 1's & 2's ... or rather the 1's and 0's. For the next few months I will be pushing a new solo night at Yumla in Hong Kong, named simply ⅋, which if your browser doesn't reproduce the Unicode symbol, appears as a  flipped ampersand sign. The night represents (amongst other things) many different forms of club music all presented on equal terms: New music, old music, banging, deep, dirty, clean, energetic, funky to fucked up, minimal to melodic ... Not a new concept – Elite Force has been pioneering the tech-funk ethos for years and that does all of the above with a very clearly defined musical remit. But, I hope to add a little twist to the shooting match and that will become clear in August. What I will say now is two laptops, two CDJs, many channels of audio, some effects, some live stuff, lots of loops, lots of samples, some conceptual background visuals (no fucking tunnels), live global broadcast over  Awdio.com and seven long hours of me trying to keep people dancing. Plus plenty Havana Club, half a dozen stolen Marlboro Lights, several train-wrecks and a few Coronas. Once a month. Anything more would kill me.Stay tuned and if you're in Hong Kong check the bar's DJ  schedule for details.p.s: For those who read my old myspace blog where I denounced faith in club music – whoops! On again. Off again. The overwhelming hype and dross will never go away, trying to see past that can get frustrating; but there is still decent music to be found. Giving up entirely just means there's less chance of the good stuff begin heard. Hence ⅋.

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah, i see a box w/ some tiny numbers in it... cool, keep us updated!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 33427
"214b" by any chance? Pesky web standards which aren't really standards!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 65334
7 hours of delirium???... argghhh... can't wait... let us know let us know C.
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 33427
Delirium indeed ... the many flavours of techno plus deep-house, tech-house, electronica, a tiny bit of experimental stuff and some electro-breaks thrown in for good measure. Schedule goes up in a couple days.
接近 16 年 ago
Jayfc 5d jayfc
welcome back... and good timing too since Shack had his last regular radio show last week... I look forward to it..
接近 16 年 ago


Arrive not Dead.


July 6, 2007