Official Artist
Dan Burns-Findlay
Director , Sound Engineer , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator
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SCMP support

Feel a bit daft re-posting media on my blog, but everyone else seems to be doing it so what the hell. Had a quick interview with the SCMP a while back and that piece made it into the paper last week. Plus, this past Sunday Morning Post included a pretty fair review of Rendition. The album wasn't written for everyone to enjoy all of it, so to get thumbs up for most of the tracks was cool by me.

Incidentally, this is the third time I've had a half page piece in the SCMP and the second time they've mis-quoted me as working with hip-hop group LMF!  Grrr ... for the record, hopefully once & for all; I have never worked for nor had an opportunity to work with LMF. There. The end. The confusion arises because I did (and still do) production work alongside former LMF producer Davy Chan. The main project of note for me was working on his solo album Unbreakable from 2004, but we have also worked on numerous local commercial projects together. The old SCMP review for Davy's album is attached below for the fun of it.

There is a longer version of the SCMP interview which I completed with the writer via e-mail and that contains a much less edited (and slightly more accurate) Q&A. Might see if it's OK to make that  version public in the future. Sorry, the full size interview is a bit tricky to read so head over to the SCMP website, register and search for the online version.

link to readable Sunday Morning Post review link to readable SCMP (City section) interview

Coming up next is a f**king epic of an interview completed for Australia's leading electronic and clubbing web site InTheMix.com.au ... That thing has got to be 9000 words at least, and covers pretty much every aspect of my current and future projects. It will no doubt be heavily edited for press, I'd hope so ... they guys just keep asking more and more and more questions! Will link to that once available.

Enough ego-stroking, back to work :)

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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nice... i'll check it out. one of their reporters asked me a bunch of questions about english music in HK... i wonder when that will ever get printed...
almost 16 years ago
Photo 33427
The Aussie interview isn't out yet :) ... next week apparently.
almost 16 years ago


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