Dominic Lau
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Birthday Thanks You's...

Hi everyone. Thank you so much for all of you who wrote in special birthday wishes; a pleasant surprise. To be honest, I was rather shocked to find any there as I figured many of you would be kinda pissed that I hadn't written an entry in so long (apologies for that - I'll explain and get to that in just a bit). But thank you all the same to all of you who have written regularly without reply.

So, yes, it was my birthday on Saturday and it was a blast. Last year, I'd spent my birthday in a relatively chilled out fashion. It was a nice change from the debaucerous birthdays before. However, this year, I wanted to something big. I knew for a few moths leading upto this year's birthday that I wanted to hit Macau (Hong Kong's neighbouring city formerly a Portugese colony) hard and fast, not least because my birthday this year fell on a Saturday but because Macau is now, in my opinion, China's future playground!

The celebrations started on Friday night with a very nice dinner at a restaurant at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental called Amber. The food was amazing and the champagne was even better - Dom Perignon being my preferred champagne, and not just coz of the name - honest! After that, I headed in Lan Kwai Fong to one of my regular hangouts where I was greeted by over a dozen of my close friends. It was awesome. We all caught up, hung out and, sufficed to say, drank far more than anyone could fathom - with champagne being the bevy of choice of course. Cake, the arrival of more friends and a few more drinks later, and we hit Volar - a popular club in LKF.

After a rollercoaster ride of a night on the town, it was time to head home and prepare to do it all over again on a 'grander' scale the next day.

A boys night in Macau will often spell trouble when most people think about it but then I believe it was the idea. I wanted to live the weekend in true rockstar fashion. So, I booked a suite at the Venetian Casino hotel where we all bunked - but really, used it as a base to dump our stuff whilst we revelled in the things that Macau could offer. So there we were, 10 dudes, including myself, after dusting more champagne in the room and making ridiculous speeches, we headed for dinner at, what i now know to be one of my favourite restaurants. It's a traditional Brazilian restaurant and the food was second to none. Pure bliss, pure luxury and pure glutony! Yet again a couple more bottles of champagne and a ridiculously, oversized birthday cake and we were ready to hit the clubs and casinos.

I don't want to divulge too much into what happened that night - just believe me when I tell you that it was one of the most crazy, outrageous nights I've ever spent with friends. I didn't win big at the casinos but I didn't get home till about 9am, so really, I didn't care too much. All I wanted was a soft surface to lie down on!

I always remember that people tell me to live life as though it were my last, and that weekend, that's exactly what all of us did. The time was not important, money did not matter and shame, well, ceased to exist. And you know what, I loved every minute of it! My advice to all of you out there is to do the same. Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans. Don't waste it!!!

Now you know what happened on my birthday. If you want more details, perhaps I'll divulge if the demand for it is high enough. But i just wanted to say thank you to all of you foryour birthday wishes, and know that I appreciate them very much. You guys ROCK!

Now, I'm off to bribe my friend who had the camera all weekend and hopefully convince him not to post up any of the picture on youtube!

Rock n Roll!!!!!

Dom x


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Channel [V]'s resident rocker and heartbreaker


Hong Kong
June 5, 2008