Drafus Chow
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uptown at clockenflap

... so last night i played the CLOCKENFLAP festival.  it was the return of the UPTOWN ROCKERS and we were supposed to do a versus with the ROBOT crew.  well as it turned out... jay lost his cd's, mike showed up too late to plug in his equipment, and calvin was no where to be found, so it was pretty much a victory for us by forfeit... nonetheless, it was another enjoyable time with the crowd that was left being really up for it.  i have to say i've been really lucky to have the chance to play at these festivals, ROCKIT (r.i.p) the last few years, and now CLOCKENFLAP.  nothing beats the feeling of playing to a festival crowd who are really up for it and energetic and responsive.  as a dj, and i can only imagine what a musician must feel, it's everything you do this for... for someone else to feel the same excitement and rush you do with the song you're playing... 

a HUGE hats off to jay and mike for pulling off the CLOCKENFLAP festival and i'm real glad to say it was pretty much a success.  what a perfect day it was weather wise as well.  this is definitely a good thing for this city, especially now with the ROCKIT festival gone.  i'm sure it will go on and be successful in the years to come.  

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Congrats!! by the way, can u still speak a little bit cantonese???
大约 17 年 ago
Drafuschow 00 drafuschow
cantonese?... haha... just a little to get by...
大约 17 年 ago
haha..... is ok.... but my english isn't gd enough.... nice to meet u anyway^^
大约 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
January 10, 2008