Official Artist
Drake Brodahl
Fine Art Printer , Painter , Web / Multimedia Designer
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Crazy 4 Cult 5: Office Space

Hi guys and gals!

Here's my latest painting for the Crazy 4 Cult 5 show which opens tomorrow. It goes without saying, but Office Space is a movie that speaks to anyone who's ever worked at a miserable job... yes my hand is raised, too. To this day I still find myself quoting it every so often.

Fortress of Solitude - 10" x 20" cel vinyl acrylic on gessobord detail sketchAlso to note, the big Crazy 4 Cult book signing will take place at G1988 in the next few days. I'm bummed that I won't be there to sign, but if you run into me on the street someplace (or at a convention) and happen to be lugging around the 300+ page tome, I'll be happy to scribble in it for you. :)


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