Official Artist
Drake Brodahl
Fine Art Printer , Painter , Web / Multimedia Designer
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Emerald City Comic Con

Hey gang,

I'll be making a visit to the good ol' Northwest for the Emerald City Comic Con this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I plan to be selling a bunch of prints, some medium-size originals and will be doing some little, business card-size paintings at the table. Please come by and have a chat if you're gonna be around!

I'll be sharing BOOTH 108 with my pals Andrew Wilson, Wade Schin, Mark Behm and (new ECCC debutante) Martin Ontiveros! Sure to be a kick in the trousers.

To start it off, here's a robutt with a slight resemblance to a well known Seattle landmark (and in an emerald-y color scheme to boot).

ECCC Doom Bot - 2" x 3.5" gouacheSee you soon!

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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August 13, 2007