Official Artist
Drake Brodahl
Fine Art Printer , Painter , Web / Multimedia Designer
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More College

I went through some boxes and found a few more college drawings. Here they be.

I was into kungfu, snowboarding and chinese landscapes when we were given a project in my old design class to create a personal mark... so I incorporated all those things into a stupid one. It was either a strange project, or more likely, my strange interpretation of the project.

Below are pages from another strange design project. A coloring book that would supposedly teach kids about hoboes. I guess this was my crosshatching phase.

A silly Christmas card for NRS (my first design intership/job). The inside said, "Just heat and enjoy. Happy Holidays from Blah Blah Blah".

Up next: After college stuff... unless I find some more missing college stuff first.

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August 13, 2007