Official Artist
Drake Brodahl
Fine Art Printer , Painter , Web / Multimedia Designer
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Christmas Painting #4

Here's the latest in the Christmas present series. This is for my 9 year old niece who loves hippos and ballet. I've fallen off pace a little because I've been busy, but hopefully I can pick it up on this final week before xmas! At least I plan to have all the kiddies taken care of. Some of the parents might have to wait.

BTW, there's a level of sponged-in bushes that my scanner didn't pick up. When I get these paintings professionally shot I'll put the proper color versions up.

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Christmas Painting #3

Thanks for being patient! I went out of town to visit my mommy on her birthday. Here's a new one for my niece who loves pirates... so I turned her into a cartoony one. Not a 100% happy with it, but I still had a lot of fun painting this, especially the water.

More to come!

about 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Christmas Painting #2

Here's another. This one is for my 2 year old niece, Ashley. She's fascinated by the moon and always tries to grab it with her little hand. Her depth perception is WAY OFF. :)

about 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Christmas Painting

Here's a new one. 4" x 6" cel-vinyl acrylic on watercolor paper. It's one of 18 Christmas paintings I'm doing for family members. Due to the radiant colors I used for the background, my scanner couldn't capture it properly, so here's a crappy photo of it (which is closer to the correct colors) and the scan. I'm banking that my 6 year old niece doesn't check this blog...

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

Another Niece Birthday!

Yep! Another niece's birthday, another paintin'. My niece Ashley turns two next month, so I did this.

6" x 9" cel vinyl on watercolor paper.

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

He's no Chester

Quick update. My honorary niece (my niece's cousin who lives with them) is turning 6 in a little over a week, so here's what I painted for her. Cheetahs are her favorite animal. I have 17 more paintings to do before Christmas, so I'd better get busy! I'll update some as they happen (don't want to risk spoiling the surprise).

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Back from Vacation Doodles

Just got back from a 2 week vacation in Hong Kong and Japan. It was a great trip and we got to spend time with some friends and take in the sights. We did a ton of walking and took a ton of pictures (2 gigs worth). I also bought a small load of toys, of course. I had little time to draw, but here are a few morsels.

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Samurai Jack Backgrounds Pt 9

As promised, some more screencaps from Samurai Jack! They were created by the usual group of super-talented people: Dan Krall designs, Scott Wills, Bill Wray and Jenny Gase-Baker paintings. Copyright Genndy Tartakovsky and Cartoon network. And if you don't have the recently released season 4 dvd, shame on you.

Ep 24 - Jack Is Naked

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Quickie doodles

Not a big post today. Just a couple quick doodles.

Saw a tree like this near work. I believe it's a weeping blue atlas cedar. I love how these trees look. So much personality.

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Supes and Shrubs

about 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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August 13, 2007