In Hong Kong, normally you would check your receipt after you shopped at supermarket, or finished a meal in restaurant.
And when you check your bill, you usually check if there are any extra un-paid items that was charged, or if the Price per Item was correct.
But fellas, take a good look at the bill shown below....
Everything seems okay, except....
45 + 36 + 65 + 68 + 98 + 88 + 8 + 68 + 42
= $518!!!(not $548!!)
When complained to the restaurant, their response is that it is TECHNICAL ERROR, however, numerous reports stated that.... THIS MAY NOT BE THE FIRST TIME FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!
So next time, if you do check your bills.... be VERY careful.
Note: This restaurant - Golden Shanghai Cuisine - is located at Tsuen Wan. They also have branches at Tseung Kwan O & Sai Wan.
别以為check單, 就不怕被人收多錢, 請看看上面的賬單有何不妥
45+36+65+68+98+88+8+68+42 = $518!!!
賬單清楚列明每項收費,但係加埋總數竟然係多左$30, 仲再加一!一共多收$33!!!
向侍應投訴 , 回應是電腦出錯(?!), 立即退回現金 $30; (仍多收$3加一)。
當質問侍應為何明知電腦有錯還不更正或用人手核對賬單才給客人 ,
他們竟辯稱因不是每張單都會出錯, 所以不會人手核對賬單.
(當然喇,銀碼少的賬單就不能多收, 以免露出馬腳。分明搏大霧! )
當我要取走賬單時,他們便大為緊張, 說賬單不可取走, 要留作公司紀錄。
除了這呢間在荃灣的某京川滬菜館外, 可能其他食肆或商舖亦有此行徑!
A 183cm Aquarius returned to Hong Kong from Canada in 2005. NBA Commentator in LeSports HK & NBA GLOBAL GAMES China official game MC since 2007.