Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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Bon Voyage!

Last year I made a decision to really start living by faith and no longer by fear.

I had a conversation with a dear friend of mine that changed my life. She was telling me about how her friend Claire was opening up another clothing store. This happened to be Claire's third or fourth store, and she was having a grand opening in Shanghai. We got to talking about how Claire had started 5-6 years back in Taiwan in a tiny little shop in a back ally somewhere. My friend would go over to Claire's shop all the time and give her suggestions, help out, and of course... most importantly she would shop...

My friend and I started talking about how we admire these type of people, and how we want to be like them so much.

She told me how doing something similar to Claire was her dream. Opening up her own store, bringing in clothes from other countries, designing her own shoes etc...

So I asked her if she was any less talented or if she knew anything less about fashion.

She replied no. I asked her than, what is it that holds you back from doing it?

She said, "I was afraid." Afraid of what... afraid of failure, afraid of what her parents might think, afraid of starvation or famine. The list goes on.

Than I got to thinking about a story in the Bible. It's the famous parable of the talents. A man and his servants.

To one he gave 5 talents, to another 2, and another 1 talent. Each according to his ability.

(FYI a talent is worth 20 years of wages) The first servant invested and got a return of 10 talents. The second invested and got 4 talents back. and the servant went away and hid has talent. It actually says that he buried in the dirt.

The man comes back to settle accounts with each of them. He's happy with the first two, but furious with the third one.

He takes the talent from the servant and gives it to the one with 10 talents. He asks why the servant why he didn't do anything with the talent he was given. The servant replied,

I was afraid.

Matthew 25

Anyhow, I thank you in advance for taking time out as I share with you a part of my life.

I hope I can encourage, and be a blessing to you.


I want to be a flame that shines in the darkness. My mission is to start revival or be part of revival wherever I am or wherever God calls me. Whether it’s just me, one other person, or an entire nation, my desire is to see people fall madly in love with Jesus Christ.

“Answer me, O Lord, answer, so these people will know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.”

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Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009