Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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Ed Sozoing himself

Ed: Father, are there any lies that I believe about you?

God: yes

Ed: what lies do I believe about you?

God: Ed, you think that I think you’re lazy.

Ed: … (Boggle) … What’s that mean??

God is silent…

Ed: What is the truth Lord?

God: I want you to rest.

Ed: what?? That doesn’t make any sense. Hello?

(End of conversation)

As ed went about his day confused by the conversation he had with the Lord, he later on understood what God was revealing about himself. The Lord was showing him how he had a fear of being labeled as “lazy.” God told ed to rest in order to show him that He requried absolutely nothing from him. The fear of being labeled as lazy created a WORKS mentality inside of ed.

As the Lord was rooting out this fear, He showed him how true sonship came only through a “rest” mentality. It was a relationship that was not determined upon pleasing or doing things for the other person, but one that was based solely upon intimacy and trust.

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Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009