Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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Fear is not your friend

I woke up this morning to a disturbing dream. Actually it was more like a nightmare. In the dream, this evil witch would snatch away my friends and drag them off to some other place. Unfortunately, I was really chicken and just kept running away. After praying about it, I realized that this was definitely NOT from God, but there was a lesson to be learned.

In God there is no fear. God is Love. The bible says that perfect love casts out all fear. Fear has no place in the mind of a believer who has been completely renewed (this is a life long process). The enemy is fueled by LIES. If you believe in a lie, you empower the liar. I believe at the root of all fears(fear of man, fear of failure, rejection, etc…) is a lie that you still believe. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!” In the case of my dream why was I afraid? I’d forgotten that I have authority in the name of Jesus Christ. In the dream I was running away from this witch in fear that she’d drag me off to hell or something. If I’d remembered the truth, I’d know that nothing can separate me from the love of Jesus Christ and then send that hag back off to where she belonged.

God then reminded me of the story of David and Goliath. The story showed me how a young rutty shepherd boy overcame fear by standing on the truth.

“Why have you come out to draw up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and are you not servants of Saul?”

Goliath is a mean looking giant and is taunting the people of GOD. Unfortunately they’ve been intimidated and are all “dismayed and greatly afraid.” Interestingly after 40 days, David comes into the scene and hears the remarks of this giant. He is utterly perturbed and goes around trying to remind the people of who they really are. I imagine this enraged teenager going from tent to tent saying, “who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

David, knowing the truth of who he is, is confident in the faithfulness of God. He stands on the truth knowing that he serves the Living God and knows that if God can save him from bears and lions, God can deliver him from the hand of this giant.

Stand on the Rock which cannot be shaken, and let the Holy Spirit guide you. He is the Way, the Truth, and Life.

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Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009