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Edward Huang
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I just watched Will Smith's Wisdom on Youtube.

Everything he said seems to come straight out of the bible.

Believe, faith, no fear, words becoming reality...

Isn't that so God? That he spoke the world into being?

Take action for your life.

I know I can do All things through Christ.

We talk in the church about going from glory to glory. What does that glory look like?

What does it mean to be created in the image of God?

I'm so tired of spiritual lingo...

I once met man who was caught up into heaven before. God showed him a country's past and future. Funny thing is, this man wouldn't be considered very "Christian." He smoke he drank, and cursed, but he nonetheless feared God. He despised the church and it's hypocrisy, but God still used him in a profound way. He's rich man that believes in everything the bible says.

I don't know, I just think that's glorious. That God uses people so out of the box.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Amen brotha
about 15 years ago


Love = No Fear

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March 14, 2009