Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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It's not normal "NOT" to have peace.

Righteousness, Peace, and Joy….. (music blasting! trumpets blaring, dancing, laughing, smiles, and more ) =P

This is what the Kingdom of Heaven looks like!!!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.

For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of

Righteousness, Peace, and Joy

in the Holy Spirit.

As a believer, I believe that these are like spiritual indicators of how our lives should be. That if you’re not feeling these things then the Kingdom of Heaven is under ATTACK.

The word “Kingdom” is two words. The dominion in which the King reigns. King – Domain.

This might seem obvious, but if you don’t have peace in your life(regardless of the circumstances), something isn’t as it should be. At the first sense of not having peace, it should be an alert saying you are under attack. Too many people have come under the belief that life is just “the way it is.” I personally have made a conscious decision to always fight for my peace.

“Even though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil.”

Regardless of how dark a place might seem, I know that I have nothing to be afraid of. Greater is he that is in me than the one that is in the world.

A while back a few friends and I had the opportunity to minister to a very wealthy family out in Asia. We were invited to this beautiful house where the decoration was absolutely amazing. There were extravagant sculptures and designs everywhere. Inside the house was a little pond and stream flowing through the house. It was beautiful. As we were given the tour, we came up to this one huge sculpture. It was this two story gigantic idol sitting in the middle of all this lush. It was really quite large I must say.

Anyhow, about an hour into the tour I started battling with all these thoughts of lust. It was really weird, I felt really condemned and kept wondering what is wrong with me? It wasn’t until I asked my other friends how they felt I realized, it wasn’t just me feeling weird. One friend even said it was hard to breath, and it reminded him of they days he smoked out.

Thank God that night we got breakthrough and ended up praying for someone. However, It was there I realized I needed to be even more alert when going into different situations. Where the moment I didn’t feel any peace, I should’ve known I was under attack and put up my shield of faith! Instead I thought it was myself merely struggling with the flesh, where in reality a clash between two kingdoms had been waging WAR.

And here I was oblivious to it all…

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Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009