Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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Joy = Strength

(Jaeson Ma about to send love to the streets of Taipei!

365 days of LOVE)

There’s a part of the brain that allows you to feel joy and comfort. I guess it releases endorfins or chemicals into your body to make you feel better. I’m not really sure so if any bio/chem people know something, maybe you can enlighten me. This is supposedly referred to as the “joy cortex.”

They joy of the Lord is my strength. If people only knew how much joy there was in the Lord, I believe there would be a lot less people falling into depression, alcoholism, addictions, etc…

Everyone faces hardships. Everyone faces dissapointments, and everyone gets hurt. How you choose to deal with it, will determine whether you live in freedom or bondage.

“The will of God is this, be thankful, be joyful, and pray always.”

This isn’t so much a suggestion as it is the will of God.

Just imagine what a person’s health condition would be like if they were always in a state of joy. Less stress, less anxiety. If a person managed to always be positive, what would that look like? Have you ever met someone who is thankful and depressed? When your cup is “overflowing” w/ joy, there isn’t much space for “sins” to allure you. Because you’ve already been satisfied, the desire to sin is greatly minimized.

Smile more, laugh more, and dance like you just don’t care…

These are some of the greatest weapons we have in overcoming the enemy.

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Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009