Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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Living Under The Influence

Artwork by Theresa Dedmon... SHE'S Amazing!!!

(Artwork by Theresa Dedmon)

If you’ve ever been drunk, you know what it means to be under the influence. Some are more daring, some get really happy. Some people get belligerent and down right angry. Paul talks about not getting drunk on wine, but being filled with the Holy Spirit.

As I was reading Jesus’ first miracle in Galilee, it completely blew my mind. Earlier in chapter 1, John specifically said that Jesus was coming to baptize people in the Holy Spirit. The first miraculous SIGN he chose to perform was turn water into wine (of course it was at a WEDDING). Jesus came to pour a new wine into a new wine skin. He came to fulfill the law and bring a new covenant (communion, wine, blood) to mankind. Him being at a wedding and doing what he did, was so symbolic and merely God foretelling all the things that were to come.

Mary (who is now about 46) has been waiting a long time for some prophesies to come true about this son of hers. Like the rest of the Jews, she probably thought he was to be crowned King and overthrow the Roman government. Eager to see Jesus glorified, she urges him to perform a miracle. Jesus replied, “Woman… it’s not the right time yet.” (paraphrased… sorry ladies)

The question I have now is, when’s the right time?

Not until the day that he was crucified did he say, “Father, the TIME has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.” It was only until the time he was crucified and sitting at the right hand of the Father, was he glorified. Once glorified, he poured out the Holy Spirit onto the world where those who believed in him would be filled. (notice six empty jars were filled, six representing the number of man)

Live under the influence of the Holy Spirit and you will experience its fruit (Love, joy, peace…). In your heart let God’s instinct, His ways, His wine, let it intoxicate you. Be aware and just listen to Him. Jesus was only led by the Holy Spirit, and we being shaped into his likeness should live the same way too.

14 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 23697
14 年多 ago


Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009