Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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Looking at the heart

Today I had dinner w/ a friend whom I actually met through a Treasure Hunt.

It was last halloween where I went with a small group on a city invasion. We first met up at somebody’s house. We prayed, sang some songs etc… then we asked God for some signs. We were looking for clues on what to look for on our little excursion. I don’t really remember what other people got for clues, but for myself I remember getting a picture of a teddy bear. After that my group and I went out looking for our treasures.

That night we must’ve spent most of it inside of H&M(clothing store). Our friend from Kansas City was visiting and he loved shopping. He said all the “cool” clothes were on the westcoast. So.. we ended up just waiting for him..

Anyhow, after our round through the mall we finally saw a toy store. In the front of the store, low and behold, were a stack of teddy bears. Behind the counter was a young man wearing these funky looking angel wings. The guy had some crazy looking piercings on his face, and honestly looked kinda mean.

I asked our shopaholic friend, “do you think that’s the guy who I’m looking for?” He nodded, so I walked over and started talking to him.

I told the guy what we were doing, and how we were on a scavenger hunt. I asked him if he believed in God, and what his background was. He told me that he believed in God but didn’t like the church he went to. I told him it was okay, and it wasn’t always about “church.” I asked him if he believed in angels, since he was wearing a pair of wings. He looked at me like I was nuts.

We kept talking that night, and I explained to him how much God loved him and had an awesome plan for his life. I explained to him that it wasn’t about being a “good” person, but rather just experiencing God’s love and letting it transform you. After talking for a while he said that he could never go up to a stranger and just do what I just did. I told him how God’s love moves us to doing things we never thought possible. It was because God’s love was so real in my life, I wanted to share it with him.

I ended up praying for him that night, and I think I he got teary eyed. He probably wouldn’t admit, but he DID.

Anyhow, the whole point of me telling this story is that God looks straight at the heart. He sees past everyone’s facade and loves unconditionally. The biggest baddest looking guy still needs a word of encouragement. Where as the prettiest girl in the world still longs for a hug.

Don’t be fooled by what people look like, just remember to aim for the heart.

“Love never fails.”

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Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009