Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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Power of Unity

In regards to the tower of Babel, God said nothing they propose to do would be impossible for them to do since they spoke one language. Unfortunately God knew their hearts so he put an end to that.

I can do ALL things through Christ.. Jesus prayed to God that we would all be in one Spirit. He said that the world would know us because of our love for one another.

Last year I had the honor to perform at the Franklin Graham festival where over 100,000 people attended. That weeekend over 20,000 people received Jesus as their Saviour.

As awesome as that weekend was, what people didn’t know was that the Billy Graham organization had sent a team a whole year prior to the event. They did that in order to plan and organize churches for the crusade. From my understanding, there were over 100 churches invloved that weekend. They were from all different denominations working in unity for one purpose, to see the name of Jesus proclaimed.

Last month in Taipei, we had a Kingdom Culture conference where Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker, and Pastor Philip Mantofa spoke. What i appreciated the most was to see friends from Hong Kong, Singapore, China, the US, and all other places come and attend. I definitely see how God is pouring out his love over Asia.

It’s through this unity in one Spirit that we’ll see the impossible done for Jesus.

Be blessed!

Ps. Please pray for Taiwan. They just experienced a 6.4 earthquake.

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Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009