Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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Pre Small Group prayer

Awesome Day today...  today.. before GBS I met up w/ my friend WanJun.She was having lunch with her small group leader. Anyhow, last week they went to 關心 another person at church, but the small group leader on the way got a minor injury while riding her scooter.. so she ended up going in a wheel chair. So today at lunch we were talking and than we were gonna pray for some stuff, but we ended up praying for her swollen foot. She said that when she walked it hurt, and when she bent her ankle it hurt too. I asked her if she'd ever experienced a miracle before... or if she's ever felt like God really really healed her before.. and she was kinda like uhh.. yes... kinda no.... maybe ...So I told her straight up that God was very willing and wanted to do heal her right there.  She was like, "well I believe in healing.. and maybe in God's time." and told her no... God wants to heal you right now.. b/c whatever you tolerate, will dominate. Anyhow, long story short.. we prayed for her foot, commanding all the swelling to go down, and any broken tissues, muscles, tendons.. basically anything I could think of that might've been damaged... blessed her foot, while THANKING Jesus.After praying I asked her to stand up and check.When she stood up, she was absolutely in shock and tears started streaming down her face... She was totally in tears and just amazed at God's love for her. The pain had totally left her foot. I asked her to try walking, and she said that it was significantly better.  So We prayed again for her foot to be completely healed, but the second time she said that it was still a little sore.. I wanted to pray again, and go after a complete job, but her husband came and she had to go. Regardless, her faith was renewed and she realized how much God loved her.  Jesus Christ is soo Awesome, be blessed!-ed

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
Amen brotha~ Keep on healin with God's POWER~! God bless you Ed.
大约 15 年 ago


Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009