Edward Huang
作曲家, 歌手
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Remembering the promise

Genesis 27

After hearing Isaac tell Esau to go out and hunt game(to receive the blessing) Rebecca prompted Jacob to go and get the blessing before his brother returned.

I never understood this story, of why would Rebecca tell her son to steal her older brothers blessing. Why would we deceive his father and gain something dishonorably?. It wasn’t until last night i gained a little more insight on this story.

Reading earlier chapters we see how while Jacob and Esau were in the womb, God told Rebecca “the older shall serve the younger.”

Reading up to the point of receiving the blessing we see how Esau forsook his birthright, and also grew to be a problem for the Isaac and Rebecca.

Remembering the promise that God had on Jacob’s life allowed Rebecca to help her son walk into his calling and ultimately become the nation of Israel.

Reading this i’m reminded to remember the promises and dreams that God has over my life and over those around me. That i’m to remember that God has an ultimate plan, and how can I continue to pursue Him.

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Love = No Fear


english, mandarin, hokkien
Taipei, Taiwan
March 14, 2009