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Edward Huang
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You can’t buy love…

I just attended a friend’s wedding last night and it was absolutely wonderful.

I love weddings. Everything about weddings are so symbolic.

The bride, the groom, the ring, the promises, the vows, the witnesses, etc…

The one thing that stuck out to me most last night was… love.

Everyone spoke about how much they really really LOVED these two people.

I often ask people what they think the opposite of love is, and many times I hear “hate”.

Personally, I believe the opposite of love is selfishness.

I believe that love can only truly be displayed in the context of relationship.

I once heard a story of a father and his overweight son. Whenever they went into the grocery store, he’d buy his son whatever treats his son wanted. When asked why the father did this he replied, it’s because I love him and want him to be happy. The person replied, you are not loving your son. Rather, you are doing these things in hope your son will love you.

Loving someone and pleasing someone are two different things.

Pleasing someone for the sake of being loved is actually fear.

It is actually selfish.

Love is all about being self-less, and isn’t dependent on the other person’s reaction.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


Love = No Fear

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english, mandarin, hokkien
Location (City, Country)
Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
March 14, 2009