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Ee Hoon Khoo
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A world full of exploits! Uninstalling of Itunes

I just had to spent hours removing applications in my windows. First I removed the Windows Live Toolbar that installed the seaport.exe services for in the search enhancement pack(procedure listed in the previous blog). Then I had to removes Itunes because I wanted to reinstall it (I am having second thoughts on that now), to uninstall itunes, you really need to go through the gruelling process of uninstalling every other application connected to it. The hardest being the  mDNSResponder.exe and boujours service. Also you need to do it by following the suggested sequences of removal as well as the many warnings that came along with it.  

*Read the process( http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1925) before doing anything hasty.

*Read the process( here). Removal of mDNSResponder.exe and boujours service is as daunting as the uninstalling of itunes if not more complicated

A quick way to deactivate the boujour service is to use a small tool from Gizmo Project created (35KB TurnOffBonjour.exe) that turns off and removes Bonjour service. If it fails you can also try these methods:

There was suggestion of writing a .bat script to remove them and also a suggestion to write

The .bat script:


cd \”C:\Program Files\Bonjour\”

mDNSResponder.exe -remove


cd \”C:\Program Files\Bonjour\”

rename mdnsNSP.dll mdnsNSP.old




and another file:


del \”C:\Program Files\Bonjour\”

rd \”C:\Program Files\Bonjour\”




and use it after you reboot.

Another suggestion to go into DOS:


C:>”c:\Program Files”\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe -remove

Removed service “B”

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Bonjour

  2. Rename the mdnsNSP.dll file in that folder to mdnsNSP.old

(Note:unregister the DLL before renaming it! with REGSVR32 /U mdnsNSP.dll)c:>rename “c:\Program Files”\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll mdnsNSP.old

c:>rename “c:\Program Files”\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe mDNSResponder.old

  1. Restart your computer

  2. Delete the Program Files\Bonjour folder

C:>del “c:\Program Files”\Bonjour

C:>rd “c:\Program Files”\Bonjour

Uninstalling Bonjour may cause a problem in Windows Socket, which requires a correction later. The solution is simple and is exposed in the following article from Microsoft:


If you wish to reinstall Boujour: Download here.

Finally, you iphone users who still wishes to install itunes but without all the unnecessary hogs can download a custom installer for itunes. Do read the about the installer here.

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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