Elissa Rosati
演员, 导演, 製片人
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Back in the Saddle

Yup, back....  And with school starting in a week  and no rehearsals i have the much needed time to get to the back log of editing i have to tackle.

So, why am i on AnD????????

Oh well....  i guess i am an internet promo addict!!!

Got a look at the rough cut of the "Half a Girl' music video... and... i'm happy!  I'll be finishing the live action edit section in the next few days and then it is over to "Memoirs of a Bitch" while they sort out the animation.  "Memoirs of a Bitch"...This inde experimental film is simply gorgeous... but such a , er um, bitch to edit.  You'll see.  The dance piece "Damaged" looks good too, but in my opinion needs some more shooting to bring it to life.  "but it's experimental" the team whines....  They' re just fake whining.  Everyone seems to think "Damaged" is more than i think it is.  Well, at least no one can accuse me of falsely promoting what we do here.  This is the real deal!  You guys will be the judges.. if i can just get off this site and back to work.

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares
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internet promo rules!
大约 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 11, 2007