Elissa Rosati
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Well, we are winding up to our March Camps.... the Nokia Challenge Thing is up and running..... there is a lot to be excited about and it turns out that tonight, I choose to be excited about being back to swimming regularly!  What's up with that?  I  worked my feeble way up to twenty laps today.  Awesome feeling of power pulling through the water.

I kid you not!


I hear we may the the RED camera for the March Workshops.  I cant wait to confirm THAT monster bit o news. 

Now THAT is really really exciting.  I am biting at the bit to get my hands on that beauty.

We still have spots available so spread the word y'all.  I mean, man, i didnt have access to this kind of equipment and i went to the best film school around!  Geeze,  i paid forty grand for my film education.  Sometimes i think we are giving it away too easily.  Perhaps i should make folks work a bit more for it to appreciate it?

So yeah, spead the word alive not deaders.....  spots available for our March Workshops.  Register on line at www.focusonfilmhk.com

Check out Focus on Film here on AnD if you like


The Nokia shoot is turning out to be a lot more fun than i bargained for.  Seeing that we are doing it all for free to support Pangea Day and all....  , i thought it might be too much work for not a lot of return.  I was wrong!

I didnt know what kind of people would get involved either.   In the end, we got a broad range of people from a thirteen year old shy New Territories girl to a twenty six year old Irish bloke.  All happy with their new video phones i can tell you that!

Me i wasnt too sure how much fun this would actually be until after talking to the film makers in New York who originally asked us to spear head this initiative in Hong Kong   Everything had been done up until this point via email.  And then they called.  It was great to speak directly with them and i hung up completely inspired.

Jehane Moujain is the brain child for this little global operation.  Our students who have received the phone have to select from twelve human universals such as love, fear, risk taking, and shoot their own video on that theme.  We are looking for highly personal work.  I think we will get it!

Well i had best get some sleep.  Going to see There Will Be Blood tomorrow.  There is certainly not enough hours in the day for me!

March Workshops in Film Making:  spaces available

All participants take part in creating their own film.

3/17/08 - 3/28/08

  • directing

  • camera operation

  • acting for the camera

  • editing

Classes conducted by instructors diplomaed in film production from overseas film universities

Equipment used:  Pro HD Cameras, Fluid Head Tripods, Professional Editing Software

Selected classes conducted out of  Shaw Studios Facilities

Workshops venue:  7 Kennedy Road, Central

Shooting TBA, various locations on Hong Kong Island

Enroll now by registering online at:


大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I thought the Nokia thing was just for teens? Don't tell me I was elligible for that!? i would have loved to make a short film! !@#!%! Good luck with March workshops!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 34128
Hm, judging from my last video, I could use the classes. I'll check it out. Are you one of the instructors?
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 35813
ha! yup! you lucky things! (dont worry, i have a diploma and EVERYTHING!)... and nah, not just for teens- young adults too- no old bags like me thou come on board y'all
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 11, 2007