Official Artist
Elissa Rosati
Actor , Director , Producer
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Blog: Saturday, May 10

Right, so, like my wushu instructor thinks i should blog about it!  

Here we go!

First of all- i so knew i would totally dig wushu, and i am right- i, like, totally dig it (toters, or is it tauters... or tawters.....)

I love that it is so akin to dance and i love doing it outside and, oh yeah, my instructor is wonderful.  We are so hard core that we walked through the typhoon a coupla weeks ago, were drenched to the skin, but STILL worked out.

The bad news is:  havent worked out since.  And the reasons are good ones.

Big proposals going in this week for Funding and Sponsored space for Focus on Film.  Wish us luck luck luck.  I should be writing now- will in a mo...

Also my kids were in town.  Man did we get good at guitar hero (distractions distractions!!!!)  I beat Ms Zeller's score on "Hit me With Your Best Shot" at medium level.  Not bad for where i started from!

This monday is Beauty and the Beast auditions.  Come on down y'all and try out.  Show is gonna be great (yup, i'm directing again, can you tell)

But this brings me to the meat of it: 

Tonight is Pangea Day.  Have you heard about it?  (www.pangeaday.org)

Well, Focus on Film artist's work is being used in the presentation.  That is:  the GLOBAL PRESENTATION!!!!

We are screening it tonight, live, starting at one am at Beo 16 Arbuthnot road.

Come on by!   

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 34128
Good luck with the presentation! Your wushu training sounds great! I only wish there was some way I could have participated in that wind swept evening. :) Your kids are beautiful!!!!
almost 17 years ago


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