Elissa Rosati
演员, 导演, 製片人
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Cabaret... Chicago... Moulin Rouge.... Research is fun

Been at it all day.  Glued to this computer..

...cause my life is split between the charity work (Focus on Film/A Girl's Life Program) and the reality of keeping food on the table

Basically Sunday is what i have to move forward on this event i'm doing.  Yeah, so it's like a name band being like flown in, like, a/v projections to shoot and edit, like two musical numbers and other various talent to organize, a set to build, a canopy to erect... Yeah, so, it's, like, a show! Piece of cake. Here i am hesitating:  go with full on Musical Theatre great numbers like:  Cabaret and Chicago OR Hip Hop it up  and serve Step Up routines in between groups OR Full on Latin evening

It's a problem when your team can do all of the above no problem!!!

Personally, i would love to give Cabaret a crack.  I've never sung Ms Bowles.  It would fit the mood of the evening too... I will at least have to Emcee on top of directing, but I may perform too... i did say i WOULDNT, but here i am pitching the entire SHOW around the possibility! 

Ah, the performer's ego never dies.

I'll let the curious amongst you know what is decided evetually.

Tomorrow it is back in the saddle for 'A Girl's Life".  Candidates applications are coming in and i am very happy to see such a wide range of ages, talents and interests. Keep em coming!

Oh, during research i came across this cool poster for cabaret.  Very creepy.  Enjoy!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Photo 34128
That is odd, but interesting.
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 11, 2007