Official Artist
Elissa Rosati
Actor , Director , Producer
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leaving again

Well, it is good to be going home (my god, Hong Kong is home now!) but sad to be leaving Los Angeles.

Great trip:  Good for the soul, great for sleep, good air, great food....  been great to see old old friends

Got lots accomplished:  moved forward on the feature in a big way, got folks talking about franchising Focus on Film (Damn, i havent even gotten it off the goddamn ground yet!) and am coming home with lots of cool dips and spreads for the pictionary party this friday with the kids. I'm smuggling cheese (please dont tell immigration!)

Cant wait to see the gang and seriously seriously seriously cant wait to see the kids.  It's been a good break, but it is better to be with family on the holidays folks- word!

This years resolution:  commit to less performances so i can have more down time.  With the feature in pre production soon i'll need it.  And really, will anyone miss me on stage???!!!!  My ego really wants to think so.  That said, Mr White is proposing some sort of reality web TV show that follows me around in Hong Kong.  Good Lord, now WHO would watch THAT?!  I figure only the un censored version would have any voyeur value.  And then i think:  now WHO would watch THAT?!

Maybe a cooking show?

We will see.

about 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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August 11, 2007