Elissa Rosati
演员, 导演, 製片人
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Mama Mia Mania

Yes, that is my excuse... if i wasn't so obsessed with dissing the movie Mama Mia (which Mark Kermode does brilliantly by the way... check it)  then i would have been blogging more.

Oh yeah, then there is the herculean task of bringing free film making opportunities to the young people of Hong Kong.

This time, we're helping three groups produce three films on gender stereotyping.

All their own original work, all with professional equipment.

It is what i always wanted film school to be for myself:  show me how to do it, give me the good stuff to do it with, and then get out of my way so i can do what i want with it....

Er, um, actually that WAS what film school was like!

So if you are reading this and CARE!!!  Please help to spread the word. We are looking for applicants to our program.  The program is FREE.  The participants produce their own film.

Ms Barbara Wong is helping out on this one and MAN are we happy about that!!!

More later folks, when i get my head out from between my legs... where it has been since i heard Pierce Bosnan try to sing!

Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=61UolzFTVPI&eurl=http://technorati.com/videos/youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D61UolzFTVPI

16 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Photo 34128
I loved that movie, especially the part where the owner finally shares the secret ingredient to her recipe. Or maybe that was Mystic Pizza. Wait a minute, James Bond sings? Haven't seen it, don't think I will. I did watch some of Lady Killers with your eye for detail the other day. But I digress. So glad to hear things are progressing for you. Maybe you can get some funding from Google http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/biztech/09/24/google.project/index.html. It couldn't hurt to try. Good luck with everything, I'm sending you and the students my happy thoughts from Beijing.
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 11, 2007