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Elissa Rosati
Actor , Director , Producer
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what's my ish? here's my ish....

We got so many more applications for the program  than we bargained for  ("A Girl's LIfe" films about gender stereotyping by Hong Kong youth)

that's not my ish

We may need to bring in specialists for a particularly bad ass group we are interested in seeing work from

that's not my ish

We have lots of adults trying to get access to the program (i am totally bartering...."okay, you get fifteen kids to know about the program, AND apply, and then MAYBE we will let you sit in on a workshop..." i feel like a carpet salesman!)

that's not my ish

We have no office to run our program out of

yup.... that is totally my ish

Okay, it is not like i didnt KNOW we needed an office.  We have been squatting offices for a while.  But we are a charity!  We need sponsored space to survive.... and now we are caught with our proverbial pants down.  I had PLANNED to be sitting in an office, oh, right about now.  But little did i know that the agents out there had other plans....  one got me involved in a price war with another client, jacked that price right up.  I folded under pressure after loosing two weeks of hunting.  Arrrrggggggg.

So, my ish...

I am all about the mobile office.  Yup, who needs overhead these days when we are all working competently from home and lap top.  I love the idea of the freedom and so do the people i work with.  Give me a phone, a lap top and an internet connection and away we all go.  But we really need a center now.  Well, not now, actually yesterday and the day before that.

What to do?  What do you all think out there?  Dont be shy! 

Oh, i thought it might be interesting to add a bit of personality to this blog.... here's one of me .. I'm probably about three.. with my cousin/sister Lisa- always and ever by my side. 

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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