Official Artist
Elizabeth Ho
MC / Show Host , Singer , Model
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Fresh Start

One thing I've gotta love about life is that there is always a chance for a fresh start. Here is mine.I've recently bowed out of the Top 8 of a TV singing competition called The Voice 3. It was an eye-opening experience and it was a great platform to express my passion--entertaining.I'm hoping to continue on this path, currently open-minded to working on other artists, but my dream job would to VJ or host a fun show. I'm currently working on a music video called My City, which was produced by my talented big bro Brandon, shout out to Ghost Style. I absolutely love the song, I keep telling him that haha. It's specifically for this upcoming movie called Super Capitalistwritten and produced by Derek Ting. It seems exciting, a good feel, a lot of swag to it. So watch out for it y'all! I'll be 'rapping' on the track although I wouldn't exactly call it rapping, more like Ke$ha talking on a track. But hey I think it makes the track work!  anyways WATCH THIS SPACE cause good things are going to come out of it!Let's see where my dreams will take me.Cheers! 

over 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


A Good Start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXZB-n8GIfQ http://youtu.be/kRkgDwHPJg8

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, french, thai
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
May 21, 2008