I am hopeful, and uberly challenged by the third recording that is coming our way. Monster it is, and Monster it shall be...Monster done by monsters, Monster is as monsters said. Monster are monsters. monsters that is Elyzia. Monster monster monster. Monster happens!
monster &ˈmänstər& noun an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening. • an inhumanly cruel or wicked person : he was an unfeeling, treacherous monster. • often humorous a person, typically a child, who is rude or badly behaved : Christopher is only a year old, but already he is a little monster. • a thing or animal that is excessively or dauntingly large : this is a monster of a book, almost 500 pages. • a congenitally malformed or mutant animal or plant. www.elyziaband.com
Hear the world through a grain of sand~