Friends, readers…I truly love to blog, but I can’t right now. I truly want to..I truly want to read your blogs and stay in touch better…but there aren’t enough hours in the day. A full-time job, a husband working two jobs, freelancing, preparing for the trip to NY, my birthday this weekend, caring for a toddler and nurturing a new life inside of me. There’s also some things that I would like to share, but can’t. I remember I kind of pooh-poohed blogging when I first heard of it, and now I’m addicted. Already, I want to get back! So rest assured, I still like you, and I haven’t dropped out—I’ve only dropped back. But I’m still thinking of all of you….
Oh, one more thing. I should be getting a digital camera for my birthday, so I can kick future blogs up a notch with some images...and thanks to all who admire our beautiful son!
51% Marlene Dietrich. 49% Olive Oyl.