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Junk Trip #1 - 船パーティ

Saturday was the first of what hopefully will be a LOT of summer boat trips.  Long time etchy blog readers will remember blogs like this one and this one from last summer where I shared a pictures and a few videos of boat trips we took.  先週末僕達船でパーティしました。香港で夏時これは人気活動です。香港の東方の奇麗水の湾まで行く、泳ぐ、遊ぶ、食べる、飲める。。。楽しいよ!

For those who don...Read more

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Macau Addendum マカオ追録

A little addendum from last Thursday's trip to Macau for theCirque Du Soleil press conference.Read more

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Zaia: Cirque Du Soleil's New Macau Show! マカオの新シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユショウ

An Etchy blog / alivenotdead.com exclusive!  マカオのベネチアンで新シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユショウの説明プレスコンを参加した。ビデオと写真を見て下さい。

Last Thursday I had the good fortune to be invited to attend a special press event in Macau at the Venetian Casino.  They are going to be doing a Cirque Du Soleil ( wikipedia) show there, similar to the permanent shows they have in many Las Vegas casinos (Ka, O, Zumanity, etc).

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I feel a Presence... 今日タンジョウビですので。。。

I wasn't able to blog last night cause I left my computer in the office when I went to watch Pat Lee's 'Live Performance Illustration' at Racks and then went home from there.   Check out Pat's blog for photos, I've got a few more I'll upload soon too.昨日忙しかったから、ブログできませんでした。今事務所に居るけど、一寸ブログする。面白写真二枚上げて:

Today should be a busy day, let me just leave two interesting photos for now:Read more

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Pat Lee At Rack's - 有名なアメリカからの漫画家パット・リー

Here's my pictures from last night's 'Live Performance Illustration' by Pat Lee.


He started drawing around 9:57pm

unlike th...Read more

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FYI - Justin Lo in the house!

Pat asked me for some help checking music videos for one of our new artists,  a singer named Justin Lo.  I wasn't really familiar with his music (just heard his name a few times actually...  my interest in canto-pop is frozen at about the year 2001...)

So I checked out some of his videos on youtube and read up on some of his background.  In case you're like me, and wasn't really familiar with his music -- he's actually quite talented and worth checking out!

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McChubb and the Jagermeister...

Just got back from another night out.... we had a boat trip this morning,  turned out to be fun, the weather halfway cooperated...  the pictures will come in a few days (hopefully),  but let me throw in some pictures from the evening's activities now just to get them out of the way...


Mcchubb is in town! マックチャブー君が居た!

Yes, he is the Jage...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

out like a light...

doh, its 3am,  i just woke up a few minutes ago.    I was supposed to go to an event tonight, but I slept through it! :-(

The last few days have been pretty crazy... actually progressively crazy.

Wednesday- Went to Diesel Party Thursday - Woke up super early - went to Macau to attend a press conference at the Venetian (blog coming soon!)  After I got back, straight to work til 10pm.

Fri...Read more

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Diesel Hong Kong Flagship Store Opening Event

Last night we went to a big shindig in Kowloon for a special occasion - Diesel's new 'Flagship' Store for Hong Kong. 

You guys may recall that we did a bunch of events w/ Diesel in the fall, and also Pat Lee did a 'live drawing' event too.  all of which were held in Central HK at a space they were using as a gallery.   Actually the whole time they had planned to turn that space into the main Diesel retail location for Hong Kong.   Well it took them a few months of work, but  the store...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares

Audiotraffic @ LKF Beerfest

I took some video of Audiotraffic at the LKF Beerfest last Saturday. 

Check it out!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnJCXeirx7k

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6xVp__E_Yk Yeah, Pearl Jam!  I want to hear Adrian's version of 'Daughter' or 'Elderly Woman Behind the Counter In A Small Town'!

I took a few pictures too:

...Read more
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I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007